Heatwave forecast to persist nationwide through at least Aug. 30
Category: Environmental
Severity: 2 (Low)
Source: Drum Cussac
08/29/2023 (Belarus) - Monitor local media for weather updates and related advisories. During heatwaves, remain indoors in air conditioning when possible. If outdoor activities are necessary, frequently rest in shaded areas; avoid activity during the hottest times of the day. Stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids. Avoid alcoholic beverages, which are dehydrating; drink water that is bottled or has been boiled. Wear loose-fitting, light-colored clothing. Cotton fabrics are more cooling than synthetics. Promptly seek medical attention if signs of heat exhaustion or heat stroke develop. Charge battery-powered devices in case prolonged electricity outages occur.
Belarus Department of Hydrometeorology
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