News Alerts

Deteriorating Security Situation in Zawiya Threatens Operation Continuity at Local Refinery, Tripolitania Region

Category: Transportation

Severity: 2 (Low)

Source: Drum Cussac

10/16/2018 (Libya) - Local media sources report that Libya's National Oil Corporation (NOC) stated on Sunday, 14 October, that operations at the Zawiya refinery are likely to be suspended in the short term if proper security measures to protect the facility are not implemented by authorities. The NOC stated that several crimes targeting the facility in recent weeks highlight a deteriorating security situation in Zawiya that undermines the staff safety and the integrity of the installations. One such incident was an attempt by gunmen to break into an oil mixing facility as well as stealing a company vehicle. The Zawiya petroleum facility refines more than 250,000 barrels per day, equivalent to 25 per cent of Libya's daily oil production. Its port also exports crude from the southern El Sharara oilfield.

Members operating in Libya are advised to regularly review their crisis management plans and security measures to ensure they remain commensurate with the local threat environment. To reduce the risk of kidnapping, travellers should maintain a low profile; keep travel itineraries discreet; vary travel routines, including routes, timings and vehicles, and travel in convoys. All overland movements should be restricted to daylight hours and conducted under strict security risk management protocols. Any suspicious activity should sources to security forces.

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