News Alerts

Traffic Disruption Following Protests in Port of Spain

Category: Criminal Activity

Severity: 3 (Moderate)

Source: Drum Cussac

02/19/2018 (Trinidad and Tobago) - According to local media sources on Monday, 19 February, local residents have blocked Bath Street, Piccadilly Street, Basilon Street and Laventille Road in the Port of Spain during ongoing protests. Unconfirmed reports suggest that gunshots have been fired at the protesters. The demonstration is being held following the killing of a local by the police in a recent shootout.

Those in Port of Spain are advised to avoid the aforementioned streets due to ongoing violence and security operations. Traveller should monitor local media sources for any further information and heed any directives issued by the authorities. Due to the risks posed by gang-related crime within Trinidad, in-country personnel should maintain a heightened state of situational awareness when travelling, avoiding areas known for high rates of violent crime and ensuring that movements are limited to daylight hours. Any suspicious activity should be immediately reported to police.

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