News Alerts

Traffic Disruption Following Fire in Central Sydney

Category: Transportation

Severity: 2 (Low)

Source: Drum Cussac

02/13/2018 (Australia) - According to local media sources around 0845hrs (UTC) on Tuesday, 13 February, local emergency services have responded to a fire at Gold Fields House located near the Circular Quay in Sydney. The building which caught fire was due to be demolished but scaffolding as well as several gas containers caught alight and resulted in several explosions which prompted the initial response of the fire service. Nearby buildings were evacuated due to the high volume of smoke generated by the blaze. The nearby Circular Quay rail station s currently closed.

Those in Sydney are advised to avoid the vicinity of the incident due to ongoing emergency operations. Travellers should monitor local media sources for any further information and heed any directives issued by the authorities.

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