News Alerts

Two Injured in Explosion Outside Hotel in Siliguri, West Bengal

Category: Criminal Activity

Severity: 2 (Low)

Source: Drum Cussac

10/13/2017 (India) - Emerging local media reports on Friday, 13 October, indicate that at least two people have been injured in an explosion outside a hotel in the West Bengal city of Siliguri. Police are reportedly responding to the incident in the Pradhan Nagar area of the city but the source of the blast is currently unclear.

Those in Siliguri are advised to minimise non-essential travel in the Pradhan Nagar area in the immediate term due to the ongoing police operations. Travellers should monitor local media sources for further updates on the incident and heed any directives issued by local authorities. Travellers should be aware of the risk of exposure to low-level political violence in West Bengal, including bombings, and are advised to immediately report any suspicious items or activity to police.

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